Monday, April 11, 2011

First Dream......Name Sense

In the memory of all those day-dreamers who forgot to sleep.............................
(WARNING:- Excessive day-dreaming can lead to sleep deprivation and related problems.)


Anything you do in life should be done with Zen (the intention of being perfect).Be it blabbering nonsense or irritating someone with your antics or plain day-dreaming.............


Even the mundane,ugly things in life can be construed to be artistic.Beauty and Art lies in the eyes of the beholder.So like all good and bad things in life,the art of day-dreaming, though despised by many in public, is worshipped by the same many in private.


Do I need to explain this?

Zen and the Art of Day-dreaming

This is a direct-ripoff from the title of one of my favourite books.Favourite,because it allowed me to indulge in my favourite pastime(D-d)and, at the same time gave others the impression of me being a patient reader.

This is the outcome of countless hours of day-dreaming.You may find most of the thoughts to be non-sensical.
But if you are a true fan of this hallowed art, in the end, it will all make sense.

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